Friday, April 27, 2012

Still here...

How do I sum up over two years in one post? I guess I really can't, not without rambling on about mundane things. lol Other than my needlework, things are pretty much the same as ever...I love my quiet, cozy life!

If you're interested in my knitting or crochet projects, check out my Rav page (link is on the side); everything's there, well, mostly. I have been rather busy in that regard. I did do a stint as a test knitter for a dear friend (Hiya Wen!); she's writing a book! I don't have anything on Rav about those projects but once the book hits the stands, I'll be able to share my work.I'm so excited for her!!

I'll pop in before too long and give y'all an update on the things I have in the works. :)

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