How do I sum up over two years in one post? I guess I really can't, not without rambling on about mundane things. lol Other than my needlework, things are pretty much the same as ever...I love my quiet, cozy life!
If you're interested in my knitting or crochet projects, check out my Rav page (link is on the side); everything's there, well, mostly. I have been rather busy in that regard. I did do a stint as a test knitter for a dear friend (Hiya Wen!); she's writing a book! I don't have anything on Rav about those projects but once the book hits the stands, I'll be able to share my work.I'm so excited for her!!
I'll pop in before too long and give y'all an update on the things I have in the works. :)
Steph's Place
A peek at my world...
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Quick update
I've been busy!!! I've done a lot of knitting and a bit of crocheting. No photos...I lost a lot of them when my computer started having issues. I'll get more taken, eventually.
I joined The Son of Dishrag Tag! I'm on team 16; we don't have a name as of yet. I'll post as soon as I find out. Button and update bar have been added to the sidebar. *smile*
Posting will be sparse for a bit longer as I have surgery scheduled for the 24th of August.
Keep those fingers busy!
I joined The Son of Dishrag Tag! I'm on team 16; we don't have a name as of yet. I'll post as soon as I find out. Button and update bar have been added to the sidebar. *smile*
Posting will be sparse for a bit longer as I have surgery scheduled for the 24th of August.
Keep those fingers busy!
Monday, June 8, 2009
I've been bitten by the designing bug! I'm creating a sock design for the Sock Knitter's Anonymous group on Ravelry. I'm making a pair of patriotic socks with a beaded design on the cuff; I'm currently working on cuff design and planning the heel. I want something really neat...maybe stripes or an embossed design. If only that royal blue yarn will hurry up and get here!!!
Here are a few more of my FOs from this year:

Here are a few more of my FOs from this year:

Friday, June 5, 2009
Long time, no Blog
Wow! It really has been a long time since I've posted anything...I really have been knitting and crocheting though. Just not blogging! I have updated some of my projects on my Ravelry page and I still have a bunch more to add. Most of my time has been spent either working with the girls on school or going to school functions, going to doctor's appointments, knitting or sleeping. Blogging has taken a back seat, for now. Hopefully, after this summer, I should be back blogging regularly. I hope to have my surgery scheduled before summer's end.
Here are
a few things I've gotten finished th
is year:
Here are

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Carefree Holiday-or not-KAL Blog Button!
I made a nifty button for the KAL! I sent it off to Laura and I hope she'll use it for the KAL; I made it more seasonal than holiday themed so that everyone can use it...ecumenical! Check it out on the sidebar...Whatcha think?
I haven't ventured into my graphic arts in such a long time! It really felt good to open my program and create something again! Not just crop photos, do simple retouches, and add my watermark...really create! I started with a blank image and just started playing. Too fun! *grin* I started visiting digital scrap sites again over the weekend...who knows, maybe I'll be inspired to actually digi-scrap and create e-mail stationery again... I really enjoyed it but so many of my favorite artists revoked permission to use their work because a handful of people either stole the art (not giving the artist proper credit or using art of artists who refused to grant permission to use it.), ripped it apart beyond recognition, or didn't follow the rules laid down by the artist. It's kind of sad, really. I can't fathom why some people decide it's OK to claim something that's not theirs just because it's on the 'web. It's still theft, darn it! *stepping off my soapbox*
Well, I have a Mummy to finish! I finally hit the toe decreases and want to get that puppy off my needles! LOL
I haven't ventured into my graphic arts in such a long time! It really felt good to open my program and create something again! Not just crop photos, do simple retouches, and add my watermark...really create! I started with a blank image and just started playing. Too fun! *grin* I started visiting digital scrap sites again over the weekend...who knows, maybe I'll be inspired to actually digi-scrap and create e-mail stationery again... I really enjoyed it but so many of my favorite artists revoked permission to use their work because a handful of people either stole the art (not giving the artist proper credit or using art of artists who refused to grant permission to use it.), ripped it apart beyond recognition, or didn't follow the rules laid down by the artist. It's kind of sad, really. I can't fathom why some people decide it's OK to claim something that's not theirs just because it's on the 'web. It's still theft, darn it! *stepping off my soapbox*
Well, I have a Mummy to finish! I finally hit the toe decreases and want to get that puppy off my needles! LOL
Monday, September 22, 2008
Carefree Holiday-or not-KAL
I joined this neat new KAL today; the whole ideas is to get some holiday knitting done. There are even prizes! The actual KAL starts on October 1st; if you're interested, pop over and sign up. Tell them Steph G/JAGsHunny sent you! *grin* I need to figure out exactly what I'll be knitting and get my supplies together. This is a great way to keep motivated so I actually get some of my projects completed by the holidays!
I'm off to scheme and plot! Muhahaha!
I'm off to scheme and plot! Muhahaha!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wedding, Rain, Dishcloths, Socks, and Wind
What do these topics have in common? My weekend contained all five!
My sister-in-law's wedding went off with a bit of a hitch...rain! They were supposed to get married outside under a pergola surrounded by flowers but torrential rains caused the backup plan to be put into effect and the wedding was moved inside. The area got seven inches of rain over Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It was still a very lovely ceremony! Her dress was just stunning! It was a winter white, strapless number with a short train and the most elegant bead work--simple but classic. The bodice beading looked like scallops until you looked a little closer and saw the scallops formed hearts. Gorgeous! The girls looked like princesses in their bridesmaid dresses with their hair curled and makeup done! I wore a lavender outfit with a flowing split skirt (it wasn't a skirt but not pants either...very comfortable but so dressy!) and simple beading on the bodice. I think I cleaned up quite nicely.
I managed to get three dishcloths done during all of the wedding hoopla and travel; I can now mail out my three exchanges! Yay! LOL
I have been working on two pair of socks for the Scarefest...Wasp Woman and Mummies; I managed to finish the heel flap, turn the heel, work the gussets and start the foot of one of the Mummies on Sunday while family was visiting. Not too shabby!
We came home from Michigan to discover that our area was hit by a major wind storm, thanks to Ike, Sunday; the reports say that the winds were on level with a level 1 hurricane (74-95 MPH winds) for over six hours. Over half a million people are without power and many will be for quite a few days; most of our area's power crews were sent down to Texas because of Ike and have been recalled. They figure work should begin today when the crews start returning home. We suffered only some minor shingle damage and a few small, downed branches. We are so very lucky to not have suffered worse. My folks are without power and have been running a generator to keep their freezer and refrigerator running. They'll be showering and cooking here until they get power back. Please, say prayers for those affected by this horrid storm. Who knew a hurricane could cause so much damage so far inland...
My sister-in-law's wedding went off with a bit of a hitch...rain! They were supposed to get married outside under a pergola surrounded by flowers but torrential rains caused the backup plan to be put into effect and the wedding was moved inside. The area got seven inches of rain over Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It was still a very lovely ceremony! Her dress was just stunning! It was a winter white, strapless number with a short train and the most elegant bead work--simple but classic. The bodice beading looked like scallops until you looked a little closer and saw the scallops formed hearts. Gorgeous! The girls looked like princesses in their bridesmaid dresses with their hair curled and makeup done! I wore a lavender outfit with a flowing split skirt (it wasn't a skirt but not pants either...very comfortable but so dressy!) and simple beading on the bodice. I think I cleaned up quite nicely.
I managed to get three dishcloths done during all of the wedding hoopla and travel; I can now mail out my three exchanges! Yay! LOL
I have been working on two pair of socks for the Scarefest...Wasp Woman and Mummies; I managed to finish the heel flap, turn the heel, work the gussets and start the foot of one of the Mummies on Sunday while family was visiting. Not too shabby!
We came home from Michigan to discover that our area was hit by a major wind storm, thanks to Ike, Sunday; the reports say that the winds were on level with a level 1 hurricane (74-95 MPH winds) for over six hours. Over half a million people are without power and many will be for quite a few days; most of our area's power crews were sent down to Texas because of Ike and have been recalled. They figure work should begin today when the crews start returning home. We suffered only some minor shingle damage and a few small, downed branches. We are so very lucky to not have suffered worse. My folks are without power and have been running a generator to keep their freezer and refrigerator running. They'll be showering and cooking here until they get power back. Please, say prayers for those affected by this horrid storm. Who knew a hurricane could cause so much damage so far inland...
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