Thursday, August 14, 2008


The shoe bag is now finished! Yippee! *doing the happy dance* I think it turned out beautifully; hopefully my SIL will like it. I made a set of chili pepper napkins and a breadcloth as well as three knit cloths to round out her shower gift.
I haven't a clue what we're doing for a wedding present; I want to get them a gift card to Best Buy (that's what my future BIL jokingly asked for) but my hubby's afraid his sis will get really mad. I think a Best Buy card would be a really cool gift; I know I wouldn't complain if some one gave us one! *grin*
I got to the heel flap on my Monster socks; I'm done working in the sewing room for a bit so I'm now going to concentrate on getting my WIPs done. I really want to get done before the end of Ravelympics!
I have photos but I'm too tired to get them off the camera, cropped and uploaded; I'll do that when I return on Monday.
Here's wishing you an awesome weekend! :)

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